News & Insights
Member spotlights
Calling all members! We would like to feature the wonderful work our members are doing to help Canada win globally, live better and grow sustainably. If you have a story to share about what you’re doing, especially if it’s related to one of our 21 Scorecard metrics, please send an email to Our team will get back to you to set up an interview.
Coalition news
Canada’s housing crisis is one of the big risks to our collective economic prosperity.
Businesses will need to step up and government will need to use its balance sheet to reduce risk, co-finance projects and provide other forms of cost certainty to help make the calculus work.
The sooner we recognize that we have entered an era of supply-constrained economics, the better, Coalition for a Better Future Advisory Council member Carolyn Wilkins writes.
Business and all orders of governments need to take ownership of anemic private-sector investment