Membership application

Membership criteria

Coalition for a Better Future membership is comprised of non-profit and charitable organizations, associations and co-operatives. Corporations are invited to sponsor our organization's work.

Members agree to the Coalition’s mission that everyone is at the table to determine a prosperous future for Canada. We also want to make sure all orders of government are enacting policies that help Canadians live better and win globally while ensuring sustainable growth is a top priority.

  • Members must have primary operations based in Canada.

  • Members must directly employ at least 3 full-time staff.

  • Member associations or co-operatives must represent at least 10 organizations.

  • Members must have an active board of directors.

  • To apply for membership please complete all questions.

Primary and Secondary Contacts

Membership in the Coalition for a Better Future is extended to your entire organization.

We would be delighted to share information and opportunities with other members of your organization that are interested in building a more prosperous economy for all Canadians.

Please forward additional contact names for the mailing list from within your organization to:

Are you a private sector organization? Reach out for sponsorship opportunities to

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Partnership: $100,000 +

Supporting Partnership: $50,000