Coalition for a Better Future and the Victoria Forum working together to bridge divides

The Coalition for a Better Future is thrilled to appear at this year’s Victoria Forum, which runs from August 28 – 30. Now, more than ever, we need all levels of government, all sectors of society, and Canadians from coast to coast to work together to ensure a better quality of life for all.

As the Coalition enters its second year, it continues to call on governments to commit to a long-term plan for economic growth that is inclusive and sustainable that will be measured over the next decade through its Scorecard of 21 internationally recognized metrics. The Forum is strongly supporting these efforts by facilitating constructive dialogue, collaboration and forward-thinking by focusing on results and building bridges between different groups. Speakers at this year’s Forum include senior economists, business, civil society and Indigenous leaders, government representatives, and senators.

“Throughout the past two years, Canadians have seen firsthand why a resilient economy is so critical to the country’s future,” said Dr. Saul Klein, Chair of the Forum and Dean of the Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria. “The pandemic, supply chain bottlenecks, rising inflation and concerns about the cost of living have exposed the deep vulnerability of our society and country to external factors.”

These themes will be the central focus of a panel discussion at the Forum entitled, “Building Resilient and Sustainable Communities and Economies.” Chief Executive Officer of the Royal BC Museum and Coalition Advisory Council member Alicia Dubois will participate in the panel along with Senator Lucie Moncion and Danny Graham, Chief Engagement Officer at Engage Nova Scotia. Coalition Executive Director Rosemary Thompson will moderate what promises to be a lively discussion.

“Sustainability is critical, from both social and environmental perspectives. We are shining a spotlight on the need for economic growth in a way that ensures equity and positive impact. This is a central focus of the Coalition’s work,” said Dubois. “We will continue to call on governments and civil society to do their part.”

‍About the Coalition for a Better Future

‍Co-chaired by the Hon. Anne McLellan and the Hon. Lisa Raitt the Coalition for a Better Future is a broad-based organization representing 134 organizations in the private and not for profit sectors who are asking for a long term economic strategy for Canada focused on economic growth that is inclusive and sustainable. Now entering its second year of operations the Coalition is the place where all sectors of society can meet to discuss complex issues to create consensus that will lead to great prosperity for generations to come.

‍About The Victoria Forum

‍The Victoria Forum aims to create a space that enables people to connect across boundaries. The event brings hundreds of participants, representing different levels of government, business, academia and civil society. The Victoria Forum develops a final report with recommendations for the Canadian government, and distributes it at various levels of government.

‍For more information please contact:

Rosemary Thompson

Executive Director

Coalition for a Better Future

(613) 240-6739


Coalition for a Better Future FES media statement


Coalition for a Better Future marks one year of rallying Canadians around call for inclusive, sustainable growth